Do not panic just because you have nothing ready for your first day class activities! Friend, we have all been there. We struggle to decide if we should just keep enjoying summer or dive into back to school mode. At some point, you are going to have to create that teacher plan. If you want to make it easy on yourself, then check out this guide that gives you seven first day of class activities. If you want to ditch the icebreakers and let your students have some fun on that first day then keep reading!
Hey Teacher Friend, if you are feeling overwhelmed with what to do with your students on that first day back to school then let me help you out. My First Day Class Activities Stations are the perfect fit. In this print or digital resource, students will be allowed to choose how they get to know about your class and how they share about themselves with you as the teacher. Each station includes easy-to-use directions, links to necessary paperwork, templates, printables, and examples of these activities on the first day of school. Now, that you have your first day ready to go, keep reading to see how you can customize these stations.

Importance of First Day Class Activities
Why I Will Never Go Back to First Day Introductions and Icebreakers
Does this sound familiar? “Alright class to get to know you better, I want you each to tell me two truths and a lie” Enter groans from all my students. And just like that, I have already lost them.
When I used to start with icebreakers on that first day of class, my students were just not having it. Every teacher all day long was making them share things about themselves. And honestly, are you going to remember those interesting facts about each student? No way! It takes time to build those relationships. Not half an hour of tortuous icebreakers.
My whole goal on the first day is to set the tone for my classroom for the year and review my expectations. But I don’t need to be the one in the front of the classroom doing all the work. That just left me exhausted and my students bored. I changed the atmosphere and shifted the workload to the students. And you know what: everyone was happier!
Transform Your First Day of Class From Boring to Bold
Think about how you start your first day. Are you really showing your students how you teach? Do you ever stand in front of your classroom for 80 minutes and lecture them? Of course not! Will you ever completely do all of the work for a lesson and just let your students watch you? Never! Should you have your students just sit at the desks and not interact with one another? No way!
Think of that first day as an interview and while everyone else is going the traditional route, you want to show them something different. You want your students to buy into your class and do it as quickly as possible. You want to build community with your students and have them become connected with each other. These things can’t happen if you are standing, lecturing, and overwhelming your high schoolers.
Even better than setting the tone, you need to stop doing all the work. Your classroom is set up to challenge your students, make them problem-solve, work together, build character, and take ownership of their learning. You need activities on the first day of school that would reflect that teaching philosophy. If you are ready for those activities, then check out my seven first day class activities.
First Day of School Activities Your Students Want
First Day Class Activity #1: Choose Your Own Adventure
The best way to avoid doing all the work is to allow your students to choose their own path. By allowing them to be in control, they are going to feel more engaged. The best way to create that choose-your-own-adventure feel is to create stations. Place each category of information into its own station. Give students a checklist, passport, cheat sheet that allows them to move from station to station at their own pace.
Allowing students to get to go at their own pace also allows for you to make observations. Who wants to work together? Who likes to work alone? You will also have the chance to have more personal conversations with some of your students. Better than the facts that they spout in an icebreaker, this information will feel more personal.

First Day Class Activity #2: Syllabus Signing
In high school, our students all know how to read whether they want to or not. Instead of reading over every point in the syllabus, allow students to read the syllabus on their own.
If you haven’t made the switch yet to an infographic syllabus, I would encourage you to do so. This visual guide is easy to read because it contains graphics, headings, and skimmable material. If you want to create one but don’t know where to start, check out my English Syllabus Template.
After reviewing the syllabus, create a Google form that quizzes the students on the information and collects their digital signatures. You can send the same syllabus to your parents for them to sign as well. Keep all your signatures in one place with the Google form responses sheet.

First Day Class Activity #3: Classroom Expectations Collaboration
Want your students to feel like they have a say in your classroom? Create an activity where students get a chance to add classroom expectations. Students love when you ask for their opinions. By allowing them to create the expectations of your classroom, they feel like this is their space too.
Create a Google doc that everyone has access to so they can add their ideas to a growing list. You can also have a printed list that students can add to instead. I always find that my students always include the things that would be on my list. They also create harsher or more specific expectations than I would. We once had a one pillow per person rule in my classroom!
Once your list is curated, make it stand out and laminate it. Post in a prominent place in your classroom to help remind your students that this is their space and these are the expectations.

First Day Class Activity #4: Playlist Production
Since my curriculum creates a lot of practice and individual work time, we have the chance to play music. If you have even a few minutes a day where you can play music then you definitely need a playlist.
Create a suggestion box: physical or digital where students can suggest songs to add to the playlist. Set some parameters about the type of songs they can suggest. Once you have all the suggestions, create a Spotify playlist that you can pull up when it’s work time. I remind students, that the more songs they add, the fewer Taylor Swift songs I will add. Even though I love my girl, Taylor but for some reason not all my high schoolers feel the same way! If you know me you know that I am always trying to find ways to bring Taylor Swift to the classroom.

First Day Class Activity #5: Picture Perfection
Create a photo booth for your students for their iconic first day of school picture. That first day pic is not just for the kindergarteners. Let your students be creative and show off their personalities.
Create a frame, sign, or space where students can take this picture. Have them use your classroom technology if possible. This ensures that they aren’t on their phones. You also have all the pictures right away and can post them in your room. Need a first day of school sign? Check out this one on Amazon.

First Day Class Activity #6: Waving Worries Goodbye
Your students might feel anxious on this first day of school. New classes, new schedule, maybe new friends. Most students won’t come to you and share what they are feeling especially since this is your first day with them. But, our kiddos have genuine concerns and questions. If you want to build that community aspect then create a “Wonders and Worries” Box.
This physical or digital box allows students to submit questions, worries, or special information they want you to know. You can make these submissions anonymous or have them write their names. If students share their fears, you can have a one-on-one conversation with them or you can address it as a class at some point in that first week.

First Day Class Activity #7: Canva Creation
Canva is the savior of our classroom. If you have not started using Canva, please do yourself a favor and head over there now! You can create a free education account that grants you access to all their Pro features for free. Your students can also access a free account.
On Canva, have students create an infographic that shares all their favorite things. I love this activity for numerous reasons. One, since we use Canva a lot in my classroom, it gets my students familiar with the platform. Two, this creation is an easy 5-point grade to start everyone off with an A. I love having all my students feel accomplished. Finally, I can learn some quick facts about my kiddos without an icebreaker. I create one too as an example and my students get to learn about me too.

Even More Ideas for Your First Day in Class Activities
Five First Week of Class Activities for High School ELA
How to Set-Up Writer’s Notebook: Tips for Success in the Classroom
Want an Outstanding First Day of School Activity for Your High School Students?
How to Set Up a Writer’s Notebook for the School Year Effectively
5 Back to School Units for High School English
I have loved sharing my first day of class activities with you and I hope you and your students will have as much fun with them as my kiddos do. Feel free to use these ideas as inspiration for your first day adventures. Show me what you did for your first day by tagging me or sending me a DM @theteacherrewrite on Instagram. If you want to extend your summer just a little bit longer and don’t want to have to think about how to set up these stations, you can use my First Day Class Activities. I can’t wait to see all the first day class activities that you share with your students!

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