How to Plan Lessons for the Year: A Step-by-Step Guide for ELA Teachers

ELA teacher hand writing a guide how to plan lessons for the year

Are you an ELA teacher looking to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences but not sure how to plan lessons for the year? You are in the right place, friend! In this step-by-step guide, I am going to share my secrets for planning curriculum. From setting your teacher goals for next year to incorporating interactive […]

How to Create a Fun and Thrilling Short Story Lesson for High School

High School English Teacher writing on post it note next to computer as they plan a short story lesson

As high school English teachers, we all know we need to create a short story lesson or unit because that is a major focus of our standards. However, creating that unit and making it enjoyable for both us and our students can be a challenge. Finding the best texts to fit their needs, covering the […]

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