The Ultimate List Rhetorical Strategies: How to Teach Analysis Best

Ready to teach rhetorical analysis and need a list rhetorical strategies that will help your students? If you want your students to start analyzing a speech, having a list of rhetorical techniques makes it easier. Think of this as your rhetorical choices cheat sheet. Use this guide as a reference for you and your students. […]

How This Ultimate SPACE CAT Example Will Actually Improve Your Students’ Writing

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Searching for a stronger SPACE CAT example to help your students understand rhetorical analysis? Unlike other types of analysis, rhetorical analysis tends to trip up our students. However, with the right system, students can easily evaluate the intentions and choices of any writer or speaker. That’s where the SPACE CAT acronym comes in to help. […]

Teaching How to Write Conclusion for Rhetorical Analysis in 5 Easy Steps

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Needing some help teaching how to write conclusion for rhetorical analysis? Do you feel like by the time you get to conclusions, you and your students are tired of writing? Maybe you just assume that students know how to wrap up their thoughts. Or maybe you don’t really know how to differentiate the different parts […]

Teaching How to Write Rhetorical Analysis Introduction for Stronger High School Writers

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Does the thought of having to teach how to write rhetorical analysis introduction paragraphs make you cringe? Are you tired of reading the same rhetorical question at the beginning of all your students’ essays? You know the one… “Have you ever imagined that ______________________ (insert generic topic question)”. You know exactly what I mean. After […]

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