How to Teach Essay Writing to Make Your Writers Stronger in 5 Easy Steps

woman learning how to teach essay writing

Wondering how to teach essay writing and still make it engaging for your students? Teaching essay writing can feel like an uphill battle, right? We’ve all been there—staring at a pile of papers wondering how some students missed the mark despite clear instructions. It’s tough because writing isn’t just about putting words on a page; […]

Teaching How to Write Conclusion for Rhetorical Analysis in 5 Easy Steps

how to write conclusion for rhetorical analysis blog post

Needing some help teaching how to write conclusion for rhetorical analysis? Do you feel like by the time you get to conclusions, you and your students are tired of writing? Maybe you just assume that students know how to wrap up their thoughts. Or maybe you don’t really know how to differentiate the different parts […]

Using Google Forms to Write a Literary Analysis Essay

Blog Post: Google Forms

My favorite element to teach my students is writing especially by using google forms to write. My students struggle the most with writing their literary analysis essay. After trying numerous methods and tweaking my curriculum each semester, I feel that I have found a better way to teach my students how to write their essay: […]

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