Create Your English 10 Short Story Unit in 5 Easy Steps

english 10 short story unit blog post cover

Looking for a refresh on your English 10 short story unit? Still, trying to figure out where to start? Maybe the thought of a short story unit rewrite seems too daunting. Friend, I am here for you! I want to make your life easy. In this post, I will give you my English 10 short […]

How to Plan Lessons for the Year: A Step-by-Step Guide for ELA Teachers

ELA teacher hand writing a guide how to plan lessons for the year

Are you an ELA teacher looking to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences but not sure how to plan lessons for the year? You are in the right place, friend! In this step-by-step guide, I am going to share my secrets for planning curriculum. From setting your teacher goals for next year to incorporating interactive […]

10 Steps to Rewriting Your Units Before The Semester Begins

woman holding calendar to work on rewriting your units

It’s August and soon it will be time to say farewell to summer and time to think about rewriting your units. August also means it’s time to start thinking about how this school year will go and what could be improved from last year. Energized from a summer of relaxation and rejuvenation, I am ready […]