A few weeks ago, we had the most energetic week of the school year: Homecoming Spirit Week. This time each year, the students get to be a little unfocused as they get ready for the main event of the week… The Homecoming Dance. Our school allows us to have a Spirit Week to put teachers and students alike into the mood for the big weekend.

As I do each year, I started planning my outfits in early September so that I could coordinate with my amazing co-teacher/best friend and have time to collect all the necessary pieces for each outfit. The reason I start so early is the fact that I go all out for this week.

Besides just loving to wear a costume to school and have colleagues and students raise their eyebrows at me, I have a greater purpose.

I want my students to see that I have no shame to my game and that I am willing to take a risk to make myself look like a fool (in their eyes not mine) to show what self-confidence can look like.

I love to see my students start out the week maybe wearing the right color for the spirit day on Monday and by Thursday upgraded to a costume including some face paint. Or even better yet, who know that I won’t let them down and they go all out with me.

I love my job and my teaching philosophy is to meet students were they are and to inspire them to learn even if that learning isn’t always about literature and writing. But the first step in getting them to trust you to teach them is to get them to buy in to what you are offering. What better way to have your students want to come to your classroom than to wear an inflatable cow costume all day?

High school is a hard gig, and we expect so much out of our students who barely know themselves at this age. So if I can inspire a kiddo to look and me and think “If Mrs. Rice can wear 8 foot gold wings around school then I can stand out a little too.” And that my friends is my purpose as a teacher!

Wanna recreate my looks? Here are the Spirit Week Days and links to my costumes.

Please know that I try to use as much that I already have around my house to make these costumes and save some money.

Monday: Time to Serve (Red, White, and Blue Day):

Tuesday: Time to Imagine (Disney Day)

Wednesday: Time to Play (Jersey Day)

Thursday: Time to Twin (Twin Day)

Friday: Time to Represent (Blue & Gold Day: Our School Colors)


So if you are ready to take your spirt week game to the next level, then now is the time to plan!

Ready to take your literary analysis writer’s workshop to the next level? 

Teaching how to write a literary analysis essay can be tough. If you want to simplify the writing process for your students while making sure you don’t forget any steps, then this toolkit is made for you!

Click HERE to learn more!

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