Without a rhetorical analysis body paragraph outline my essays are a hot mess. As you know, students struggle so much with analysis in general. But for some reason, analyzing a speech just seems impossible. Thinking about the specific choices speakers make and why they make those choices is tough. That’s why breaking down the process for them is essential. And what better way to do that than using a rhetorical analysis body paragraph? If you are ready to see how I set up these rhetorical analysis writing workshops then keep reading below.
If the thought of trying to break down all the steps for your students is overwhelming, I have your back. Why bother creating your own outline when I have one ready to go for you? So, check out my Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph Outline. The outline includes a prompt and space for an answer for each sentence of a rhetorical analysis body paragraph. Furthermore, included are three outline templates for each body paragraph of a rhetorical analysis essay. With this step-by-step outline and supporting handouts, students will be able to craft strong rhetorical analysis body paragraphs. Now that you have the resource that you need, check out how to use it in your classroom.

Ready to take your literary analysis writer’s workshop to the next level?
Teaching how to write a literary analysis essay can be tough. If you want to simplify the writing process for your students while making sure you don’t forget any steps, then this toolkit is made for you!
Click HERE to learn more!
Why Dive Into Rhetorical Analysis?
Okay, English teachers, let’s chat about why we should toss rhetorical analysis into the mix. It’s not just about identifying rhetorical devices; it’s giving our students the superhero ability to decode the messages bombarding them daily. In a world drowning in ads, speeches, and texts, understanding how language works is like having a cheat sheet.
Furthermore, when they grasp rhetorical analysis, it’s not just about picking apart essays; it’s about unraveling the strategies that shape opinions and nudge decisions. It polishes their writing game, fine-tunes their ability to speak their minds, and makes them savvy about the power plays happening in every conversation. So, it’s not just about essays; it’s about crafting critical thinkers. Now that we know the why, let’s find out how to do rhetorical analysis.
Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph Writing
Step #1: Introduce the Basics of Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing
Students need to start with what they know. And, what do they know: persuasion First, review with students the list of rhetorical devices that speakers like to use in their writing. Make it fun and create a review game for the students to play. I like to create a rhetorical devices cheat sheet for students that they can use every time they read a speech.
Next, give students a chance to show off their understanding of these terms. Personally, I love using digital media to showcase these concepts. Students are surrounded by persuasive techniques every day. Advertisements, social media, and TV shows include hundreds of examples of rhetorical choices. Allow students to identify these techniques and chat about why the creator would make those choices. Without even knowing it students are discussing rhetorical analysis.

Step #2: Examine Rhetorical Analysis Speeches
Now that students understand the terms, they are ready to analyze the texts. The best way to teach rhetorical analysis is with speeches. And it takes lots of practice. I recommend reading and analyzing at least three speeches before completing any rhetorical analysis body paragraph writing.
Here are some great speeches to analyze:
- Taylor Swift’s Class of 2022 NYU Commencement Speech
- Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech
- President Ronald Reagan’s Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger Speech
- Elie Wiesel’s The Perils of Indifference Speech
For each speech that we analyze, we identify the rhetorical devices that the author is using. Bring out that rhetorical devices cheat sheet again for your students to make this process go faster. I prefer to analyze one speech as a whole class. Then, allow students to work in partners for the second speech. Finally, they analyze a third speech on their own. Once, we have lots of practice, we are ready to start writing.

Step #3: Rhetorical Analysis Paragraph Example
I always find that the best way to improve students’ writing is to show them exactly what you want and break it down for them. Before students tackle their writing, we look at a rhetorical analysis body paragraph example.
First, I show them an outline of what elements go into a strong rhetorical analysis body paragraph. Then we read the rhetorical analysis paragraph example. Next, we mark each part of the paragraph with the elements I provided. This step allows students to see strong writing and to understand all the pieces that need to be included in their own writing. They can reference this paragraph at any time to help their body paragraphs.
Don’t want to write your own rhetorical analysis body paragraph example? Check out my Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph Outline. In this resource, I provide you with an example paragraph and an answer key. And that’s just one of the many handouts included in this resource.

Step #4: Complete The Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph Outline
Now, students are ready to write. Have students choose the speech that they feel has the most rhetorical devices. Once they choose their speech, have them categorize their devices into three groups. I encourage my students to find three rhetorical devices for their categories. Then they find at least three separate examples for each device from the speech.
Next, we break down the part of a rhetorical analysis body paragraph outline. Review each part of the body paragraph outline with your students. Here are the parts of my outline:
- Topic Sentence: Rhetorical Device and Effect
- Transition Sentence
- Example #1
- Analysis Sentence #1: How does this example work in the speech
- Analysis Sentence #2: Why does the author choose to use this device in their speech?
- Transition Sentence
- Example #2
- Analysis Sentence #1: How does this example work in the speech
- Analysis Sentence #2: Why does the author choose to use this device in their speech?
- Transition Sentence
- Example #3
- Analysis Sentence #1: How does this example work in the speech
- Analysis Sentence #2: Why does the author choose to use this device in their speech?
- Clincher Sentence
For each part of the outline, I provide a prompting question and space to write their answer.
Students now have all the skills that they need to complete their rhetorical analysis body paragraph outline. Allow students ample time to complete the outline. They need time to think, struggle, and work through their ideas. This writing does not come naturally for most students so they need time to process.

Step #5: Build the Rhetorical Analysis Essay Body Paragraph
Once students have completed their outlines, they are ready to build their paragraphs. I have students refer back to the outline of the elements that go into a paragraph. Using this handout as a guide, students take each section of their outline and create a paragraph. If they followed the outline carefully, they just need to copy and paste each section sentence by sentence. The last step is to reread the now completed paragraph. Students should make sure that the paragraph flows. Then, they should check for all formatting errors. Finally, students should fix any grammatical and spelling errors.

Step #6: Provide Feedback for Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline
Once students complete that first rhetorical analysis body paragraph, I have students submit it to me. While they work on their next paragraph, I provide feedback for them. First, I make comments on each student’s paragraph. Once that is complete, I offer up time to meet with students individually to ask questions about my comments and suggestions. Students can use this writing sample to improve their other paragraphs for the essay. Students feel more confident in their writing because they have personalized feedback just for them.

More Ways Showing How to Write Rhetorical Analysis
How to Write Commentary for Rhetorical Analysis
How to Teach Rhetorical Analysis
Mastering Rhetorical Analysis Tools Techniques ELA Teaching
Teaching rhetorical analysis doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these steps, you’re not just breaking down the art of persuasion for your students; you’re turning it into a skill they can master. Now that you are ready to tackle the rhetorical analysis essay, don’t forget to check out my Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraph Outline. You will have everything you need to get started with the rhetorical analysis body paragraph right away. Have your own tricks up your sleeve for teaching rhetorical analysis? DM me or shoot a message on Instagram @theteacherrewrite. Writing can be tough but with a rhetorical analysis body paragraph outline, you have everything you need!

Ready to take your literary analysis writer’s workshop to the next level?
Teaching how to write a literary analysis essay can be tough. If you want to simplify the writing process for your students while making sure you don’t forget any steps, then this toolkit is made for you!
Click HERE to learn more!
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