Are you tired of your current theme tracker graphic organizer? Maybe you are frustrated by your students forgetting to think about their theme as they read a novel. Friend, I was in the same spot as you for so long! My students struggled to find a theme and they didn’t think about that theme until after they read the novel. The answer was to create my own theme tracker graphic organizer bookmark. Let’s chat about how this nifty little tool can transform your classroom discussions. Plus, we’ll spill the beans on how to create one effortlessly using Canva. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!
Hey friend, before we get started, let’s chat about themes in lit. If you want a great way to have students write their own themes or analyze your own then this resource is for you! Students will start by identifying the major themes in a short story with cited examples. Finally, students will write a constructed response that asks them to analyze the story’s theme to highlight the author’s purpose. All worksheets allow you to customize your lesson to theme with a short story of your choice or use the examples provided. Now that you know what you are doing with your themes after they read, check out how to transform your theme tracker graphic organizer.

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Why Our Themes in Literature Need a Makeover
Imagine This: A World Where Themes Come to Life
You know how vital it is for our students to connect with themes in literature, right? But hey, who said this journey can’t be fun and engaging? Picture your students diving deep into the themes of friendship, love, courage, and more, all while using a creatively designed bookmark.
So, Why Use a Theme Tracker Graphic Organizer Bookmark?
The best part about a theme bookmark is that the students have it right with them every time they read their book. The bookmark also helps them think more about the theme. We all know that students read a text and then remember their theme later. If they have a visual like an awesome looking bookmark staring them right in the face, they will think about the theme. These bookmarks are going to make our students stronger readers and writers.
Alright, Let’s Get to Creating Your Theme Tracker!
How to Create a Theme Tracker Bookmark
Step #1: Choose Your Themes in Literature
Think about the themes that truly resonate with your students. Friendship? Overcoming challenges? Betrayal? Once you have your theme subjects, craft theme statements for the text that you are reading. Choose between four and five theme statements. When you are choosing themes consider the most obvious themes or the best to analyze to set your students up for success.

Step 2: Logging into Canva and Selecting the Right Template
Now, here’s where the magic happens! Log into Canva (it’s seriously a lifesaver) and search for a bookmark template. There are tons of options, so pick one that vibes with your teaching style and the themes you’ve chosen. Remember if you can’t find a template that perfectly matches your vision, you can start with a template and then make it your own.

Step 3: Designing Your Theme Tracker Graphic Organizer
Play around with Canva’s features. Add spaces for textual evidence, sprinkle in some visuals, and why not throw in a few icons that represent common themes in literature? Think of symbols that scream universal themes in literature. Incorporate them into your bookmark to make the connection between the visuals and the themes super clear for your students.
Canva is like an art studio where you get to be the Picasso of teaching resources!

Step 4: Finalizing and Exporting Your Design
Take a step back and admire your creation. Once you love what you have, hit that download button and save it as a PDF. That way, you can easily print it for your students. I recommend printing it on cardstock and in color to make this bookmark more visually appealing.

Step 5: Make The Bookmark Last
Friend, thinking smart not hard, let’s make these bookmarks last for more than one class. After printing your bookmarks, fire up the laminator. By laminating these bookmarks, students won’t mangle them. Once your theme unit or reading is over, you will have the chance to collect them and use them again and again.

Even More Themes in Literature & Novel Lessons Ideas
How to Teach a Novel Unit That Engages High School Students
Teaching Theme with The Sneetches
Essential Questions: A Dynamic Tool for Novel Units and Deeper Understanding
Novel Unit Planning: A How to Guide for Success
And there you have it, dear teacher friends! You’ve not only created an incredible Theme Tracker Graphic Organizer Bookmark but also opened the door to a world of engaging discussions about themes in literature. Get ready for those “aha” moments in your classroom. I would love to see the bookmarks that you create. Tag me or send me a DM @theteacherrewrite on Instagram. And once you have your bookmarks created, you are ready for deeper analysis for Themes in Lit. If you want an easy win, check out my resource to help make your students’ theme writing stronger. You are now ready to make Theme Tracker Graphic Organizer come to life with your beautiful Canva bookmark!

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